What Will Students Learn?
- Outline the common elements of three common instructional design models and summarize the common elements of eLearning development.
- Create organizational improvement goals.
- Propose types of training to address, based on signs that may suggest a need for training.
- Recognize commonly used verbs, and action verbs that belong to each of the domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- Write measurable learning objectives and determine assessment types for each domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Digital Age.
- Create a rubric for an eLearning assignment.
- List various activities that could be used to support Universal Design for Learning and list various activities and attitudes that could be used to support LGBTQ2+ learners.
- Summarize in plain language the essential message of Accessibility Standards.
- Recap the four levels of eLearning and map how each eLearning level corresponds to Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- Suggest media standards for personal eLearning development and talk about ways to address the basic tenets of teaching adults.
- Establish great activities and create a storyboard for eLearning.
- Make recommendations on choosing an eLearning authoring tool and learning management system (LMS).
- Evaluate using each level of Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation.
- Determine return on expectation for impact evaluation.
What Topics are Covered?
- Instructional design models
- Analysis phase – needs assessment
- Design phase – learning objectives
- Design phase – assessment
- Design phase – reducing barriers
- Design phase – accessibility
- Design phase – design strategy
- Development phase – learning experiences and instruction
- Development phase – eLearning tools
- Evaluation
Course Overview
Instructional Design Models
Analysis Phase - Needs Assessment
Design Phase - Learning Objectives
Design Phase - Assessment
Design Phase - Reducing Barriers
Design Phase - Accessibility
Design Phase - Design Strategy
Development Phase - Learning Experiences and Instruction
Development Phase - eLearning Tools
Personal Action Plan
Course Summary
Recommended Reading List
Post-Course Assessment
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